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Stella Ling, CEO of Cognitact, Invited to Attend the Second Meeting of APEC Business Advisory Council 2024

Stella Ling, CEO of Cognitact, was invited to attend the lunch panel themed Global Biotech Innovation from Hong Kong, at the recently-held the 2nd meeting of APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC) together with leading biotech entrepreneurs and business leaders. Stella believes it is high time that we change the current reactive approach to tackle Alzheimer’s Disease into a proactive one with cutting-edge technology breakthroughs. 

“Aging is a huge topic. It impacts every aspect of society, and it impacts every one of us. Alzheimer’s Disease is a top 5 death-leading disease in China already. Among every five people aged over 70, there will be one AD patient. To say the least, it could impact every family. Unfortunately, when patients are diagnosed with AD, it is very often already in the late stage of the disease and there is no effective treatment for late-stage AD.” said Stella.
At Cognitact, everything we do is to use innovative and latest scientific discoveries to create transformational, meaningful, and lasting change to this age-long problem and to improve the quality of life for humankind.
Cognitact is a Hong Kong-rooted biotech company. We have licensed in world-leading Alzheimer’s diagnosis technology from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. This technology can help people detect the risk of having AD 10 years before the symptoms appear. Instead of the invasive and costly solutions we use in hospitals today, such as PET scan or CSF, we could use a simple drop of blood to detect if people have AD risk, and we can diagnose if the patient’s cognitive impairment is caused by AD or not. We have launched the service in Hong Kong market already and we plan to launch it in mainland China and globally.


This early detection creates a valuable window of opportunity for early intervention. With this, we could turn the table – We could adopt a much more proactive approach to tackle one of the most serious aging diseases of human society - Alzheimer’s Disease.

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When asked why Cognitact set up its first operation in Hong Kong. Stella said, Cognitact is a Hong Kong-rooted biotech. We licensed in world-leading technology from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. This is our home and base. We see Hong Kong as a perfect market for piloting transformational new technology and innovative patient care approach. Hong Kong is about the right market size, with about 7 million people, very established infrastructure, world-class financial service, and a great talent pool. At Cognitact, we start our business right here in HK, we use the HK market as a pilot to refine our key success drivers. We see Hong Kong as a perfect springboard and paving the way for our international business expansion.


About ABAC

The APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC) was created by APEC Economic Leaders in November 1995 to develop ideas and recommendations for APEC trade and investment liberalization, economic and technological cooperation, and the creation of a conducive business environment, and to submit advisory reports to the Leaders and the Ministerial Meeting.

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